7 Simple Tips On how To Manage Christmas Holiday Stress
The Christmas holiday season is filled with lots of activities and excitements, a period everybody longs for. It is a time you have meet with friends and families and have fun. But with all the wining and dining, you will agree with me that the season also involves lots of stress. Starting from the preparation and down to the end of the period, you might end being stressed up if you do not handle the activities involved with care. Let me show you some ways you can manage the Christmas holiday stress without tempering with your health.
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7 Useful Tips To Manage Christmas Holiday Stress
1. Have an attitude of gratitude
This aspect of managing the holiday stress specifically deals with your mental health. Taking time to count your blessings and remember all the things you are grateful for is very important at this time of the year. Few research has shown that taking time to express gratitude or show thankfulness in our own thoughts, increases your wellbeing and creates positive feelings. So endeavour to show gratitude this season.Also read: 4 Ways you can improve your emotional wellbeing
2. Create a budget and stick to it
Overspending during the Christmas holiday is a common mistake that adds to the stress of many, as it creates financial pressure once the season is over. Simply follow this tip to avoid yourself this mistake; make a budget before you go out to shop, know the specific amount you intend to spend and stick to it. In all you do, always remember that a mountain of gift will not create happiness.3. Perfect the art of polite refusal
Though it is difficult for some people to say "no", but saying "yes" to every occasion you are invited to could end up getting you exhausted and stressed. Decide which activities matters the most, set your priorities and follow them strictly. A polite refusal won't hurt. It is much more easier to say "no" when you are aware of what you will gain in return. But when you want to say "no", try to be assertive so that you wont hurt the person making a request.4. Plan ahead
As the Christmas holiday season gets closer, you ought to be sketching out your plan by now. Sketching out your holiday activities over a long period of time can help you to reduce stress by alleviating tome constraints. Have a proper checklist so that you won't get involved in a "fire brigade approach" and get yourself stressed out.Must read: Effect of stress on your body and 3 ways to deal with it
5. Have a specific time for yourself
Taking time for yourself in a whole day can be a stress reliever during this period. Spending at least 15 minutes alone, without any distraction, can refresh and rejuvenate your body and mind. Clear your mind, breathe slowly and restore inner calm. You can also do other things like listening to music, meditating, reading a book, or even taking a bath.Also read: Mental health tip that makes a family happy
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