Using Alkaline Foods To Optimize Your High Fat (Ketogenic) Diet

There are reports that many people (those on a weight loss program) feel and look good within months when placed on a high-fat ketogenic diet. Even the components of their blood tends to look and function better. Studies have shown that ketogenic diet have lots of health benefits to humans. Though the ketigenic diet was originally designed or epilepsy, various studies have also proven that ketigenic diet benefits numerous health conditions such as weight loss, cancer, energy levels and type 2 diabetes. 

Using Alkaline Foods To Optimize Your High Fat (Ketogenic) Diet

When you are engaged in ketosis, you do not eat enough carbohydrates which provides your body glucose, its primary fuel, instead your body uses an alternative fuel called ketones, which are derived from fat breakdown. This means that you are literally burning fat to fuel your heart, brain and other organs in your body.

Addressing Safety Concerns and Risk of Ketosis

To be precise and clear enough; ketosis is not dangerous. Most people today still confuse nutritional ketosis with diabetic ketosis (a life-threatening complication of Type 1 Diabetes).

Nutritional ketosis involves the regulated, controlled production where blood pH remains buffered within normal limits. While this is perfectly safe, there are sometimes certain drawbacks with ketogenic diet, that can make it difficult for someone to maintain the course. For example, they can increase acid concentration that can alter your urinary chemistry, which puts you at risk to problems like kidney stones.

Consuming much acidic foods can create a "chronic low-grade acidosis", depleting precious minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. This will have adverse effect on your bone health, increasing inflammation, and increasing your vulnerability to chronic diseases. In essence, your body searches for minerals to balance your blood pH, but with great consequences. This is an example of the limitations within the traditional ketigenic diet, which then calls for an upgraded version - adding alkaline foods to it.

Adding Alkaline Foods To Your Ketogenic Diet


Before shifting your dietary focus into ketosis, you can focus on alkaline-rich foods, thereby eliminating many problems that ketogeinc diets can create, such as bad breadth and constipation, this will keep you on the go and help you maintain ketosis.

You can also incorporate healthy lifestyles practices like long walks. meditation, all these lowers your cortisol (body's stress hormone). Once you have gone alkaline, you will shift into ketosis by eating about 56 to 70% healthy fats, 20 to 25% protein, and about 5 to 10% healthy carbohydrates, (mostly alkaline and vegetables). It is more important for women to stay alkaline while in ketosis compared to men.

Taking Your High-fat Diet To The Next Level

The ketogenic diet is perfect for preventing or reversing a disease, lose weight, break a weight-loss plateau, or the combination of any case mentioned. Whether you are choosing alkaline foods or going through a traditional ketogenic diet, these 5 tips listed below will optimize and upgrade your diet plan.

1. Consume lots of alkaline foods

Yea! consume lots of alkaline foods such as leafy green vegetables like kale, beet greens, spinach, chard, and a great-fasting veggie-blend powder. You should also remember to drink plenty of toxin-flushing filtered water.

2. Eliminate acidic foods

Though you might like drinking alcohol, coffee, and dairy, but these foods can shift you off an alkaline state. That does not mean you should abandon these foods totally, but you will need to avoid them temporarily as you are shifting into an alkaline way. To clarify your status, use your Keto pH urine test strips to check if you are actually alkaline.

3. Exercise patience with yourself

It normally take most people a week to become alkaline, not to worry, you will lose weight while you are shifting and focus and ketosis. Some people see results almost immediately, but any transformation of lifestyle can take some days or weeks to adjust.

4. Try intermittent fasting

You can optimize your ketogeinc diet with intermittent fasting (IF). You can fast 13.5 to 15 hours between dinner and breakfast.

5. Remember that it is more of lifestyle than a diet

Remember that it is far beyond just what you east or don't eat. You should focus n reducing stress, increasing movement, getting enough sleep, having healthy daily bowel movement, having healthy daily bowel movements, reducing the rate you expose yourself to environmental toxins, and cultivating a positive habit.

If you want to lose weight and maintain a glowing health, then you should try to stick to these tips mentioned above. Kindly use the share ions below to pass this message to your friends on various social networks.


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