15 Health Benefits Of Pepper That Have Been Proven By Studies

I guess you might not know that pepper have so many health benefits to offer to as many that consumes it. They contain lots of nutrition, low in calories, and these made them a good dietary component. All the varieties of pepper are good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and fiber. In addition to all these nutrients, they also spice up the taste of foods and make it more satisfying.

15 Health Benefits Of Pepper That Have Been Proven By Studies

Pepper comes in variety of sizes, shapes, colours and tastes. They can also be processed into various forms such as whole, dried, grounded, fresh, frozen or canned. Some add heat to dishes while others are sweet. The bell pepper, for example, can be found in green, red, green or yellow.

The red pepper contain the highest nutrition content, because they have been on the pepper vine for long period, unlike the green ones which are harvested earlier before they ripen and change their colours.

Pepper can be prepared in different forms, and they can be added to quite a good number of dishes to obtain their nutritious and health benefits,, and also to add more taste to dishes. In this post, you will get to see some of the health benefits of pepper as proven by science.

15 Health Benefits of Pepper

1. It boosts metabolism

Capsaicin, a substance found in Cayenne peppers, is in charge of their hot spicy flavour. The same substance also has metabolism boosting properties. Pepper boost your metabolism by increasing the amount of heat produced by your body, thereby increasing the number of calories burnt per day.

This is achieved through a process known as diet-induced thermogenesis which results in increase of the body's metabolism.

However, it is important to note that regular consumption of dietary pepper such as cayenne pepper over time, makes your body to adapt to their effects and thus may reduce the benefits you have been gaining from it before.

2. It regulates blood pressure

It is reported that over 40% of adults above 25 years old are suffering from high blood pressure. It is evidently a big health risk nationwide.

Various studies on animals also showed that the same capsaicin found in cayenne peppers may also help in reduction of blood pressure. Bell peppers are also rich in potassium, and lots of evidence have linked potassium to lowering of blood pressure and reduction of hypertension occurrence by 17%.

Bell peppers also contain another substance known as quercetin, and it is also associated with lowering of blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension.

3. Aids digestive health

Most dietary spices that are been added to foods, together with their active component, have lots of benefits to the stomach. Take for example, cayenne pepper helps to boost the stomach's defense against infections, increase the production of digestive fluid and helps to deliver digestive enzymes to the stomach, thereby aiding digestion. All these, is achieved through stimulation of the nerves in the stomach which signal for anti-injury protection.

Quercetin,  a major constituent of yellow peppers, has been proven to prevent ulcers. This flavonoid is able to achieve this by protecting the body against attack by Helicobacter pylori and increasing gastric mucus production and protects your body from excessive secretion of gastric acid.  

Unlike the popular belief that spicy foods causes stomach ulcers, a study showed that capsaicin in peppers may actually reduce the risk of stomach ulcers.

4. Reduces cancer

Cell can simply be described as an abnormal and uncontrollable cell growth. Pepper is potent in the prevention of cancer by fighting against various channels in the process of the growth of cancer cells. Research have also proven that capsaicin in pepper can actually slow down the growth of cancerous cells, and even kill them in different types of cancer such as prostate cancer, skin cancer and pancreatic cancer, etc.

Bell pepper contains folic acid, alpha-carotene, lycopene, and luteolin. These compounds helps if shielding the body against varieties of cancers. Leteolin for instance, have the ability to induce the death of cells and also prevent metastasis, cell proliferation, and angiogenesis, all of which contributes to the growth of cancerous cells. The same luteolin was discovered to prepare the cells which are cancerous to cytotoxicity, thereby preventing their growth and multiplication.

Research have also proven that vitamin C, which is highly concentrated in pepper, reduces i high rate the risk of developing several types of cancers such as; breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectum cancer, oral cavity cancer, cervical cancer, esophagus cancer, pancreatic cancer, and also non-hormonal cancers.

Though the effects of pepper in cancer are quite interesting and promising, you should note that these findings are based on research conducted on animals in the laboratory. Its effect on humans are yet to be studied and need to be explored before any conclusion.

5. Improves Psoriasis

I guess you might have come across the word "Autoimmune disease"? An autoimmune disease is a condition  that occurs when the body attack itself. An example of such disease is Psoriasis, which is characterised by red patches all over the skin, and such patches are usually scaly and itchy.

At the moment, there is no certain cure for psoriasis, but it can be remedied by the application of capsaicin cream. The capsaicin helps relief the itching and improves the appearance of psoriasis-affected patches.

Capsaicin helps to decrease the amount of substance P in the body which is associated with psoriasis. A study proved that patients suffering from psoriasis who applied capsaicin cream, experienced a more significant reduction in the scaling, pachiness, and redness than those who applied a placebo cream.

6. Improves skin health

Science have proven that bell peppers are important in the maintenance of collagen, as a result of their rich ascorbic acid concentration. Collagen is the major protein constituent of the skin. When a body is deficient of ascorbic acid, there will be a negative effect to the synthesis of collagen in the body.

Lutein and zeexanthin present in pepper also contributes to sin health, and they also help i fighting against skin cancer as well. These carotenoids are found in pepper, and they protect the skin from light damage, especially the one caused by UV light.

Quercetin found in pepper, also aid the prevention of dermatitis and also the effects of photosensitivity by inhibiting the release of mast cell cytokines, which are the causative agents when they are excessively produced.

Researchers in London have also proven that the piperine content found in black pepper stimulate production of melanocytes pigments by the skin.

7. Chronic pain relief

Capsaicinoids found in pepper has been shown to be an effective pain relief agent. With reports from several scientists, the pain relief is achieved through the heat sensation and also the inhibition of the production of substance P, which is the neuropeptide that sends messages to the brain about pain. Continuous use of the capsaicinoids diminishes the substance P. thereby reducing the pain sensation in the affected part of the body.

In addition, consumption of pepper that contains capsaicinoids, triggers the release of more endophins by the brain, which are natural painkillers. .

Quercetin, the flavonoid found in bell peppers, is vital in inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine production and preventing oxidative stress. Research have proven that excess cytokines and oxidative stress are the main causes of conditions which results in inflammatory pain.

8. Reduces cholesterol

Pepper have the ability to reduce cholesterol in the body by the activity of the vitamin C present in it. The vitamin C found in pepper reduces the amount of cholesterol stored in the liver, arterial walls and other parts of the cardiovascular system, by converting the cholesterol into bile acids.

Lack of vitamin C in the body can lead to a condition known as hypercholesterolemia, which is characterized by excessive cholesterol in the liver. Bell peppers also contain soluble fibers, and it have been proven by several studies to reduce the levels of LDL, also referred to as bad cholesterol.

9. Aids weight loss

It has also been proven that the capsaicin found in pepper, aids weight loss positively through appetite control. Increase in body metabolism caused by capsaicinoids in pepper, is also important in proper weight management.

A study discovered that consuming bell pepper reduced the body weight and prevented the accumulation of fat. This was as a result of compounds like capsanthin found in bell pepper which enhance the oxidation of fat.  

Quercetin in bell peppers has also been used to prevent obesity in humans.

Black pepper also aid weight loss since it promotes the breakdown of fat cells. Pepper consumption is therefore a perfect way of losing weight naturally, since when fats are broken down, they can be easily processed in the body and used in other healthier processes and metabolic activities instead of being retained in the body and making you look overweight.

10. Improves eye health

Due to the high content of vitamin C in pepper, it is able to protect the eyes from diseases such as cataracts. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, and it has antioxidant properties which protects your body fluids, including the fluid found in your eyes.

Research conducted have also proven that regular consumption of diet rich in vitamin C among aged people, delays the development of cataracts and also reduces the severity if it has developed.

A specific study showed that women who was placed on a prescribed vitamin C intake on a daily basis, had a great lowered risk of developing cataracts by the time they were 60, as compared to women who had daily vitamin C intake lower than 140mg.  Vitamin C is also important as it prevents age-related macular degeneration.

The vitamin E, zeaxanthin, and lutein found in bell peppers are all important for proper eye health, and they also prevent age-related eye problems.

Vitamin A, is another nutrition that is associated with boosting of night vision and preventing corneal xerosis and ulceration of the cornea, which is normally caused by vitamin A deficiency.

11. Posses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

The flavonoids found in pepper gives it its anti-inflammatory characteristics. Flavonoids such as  luteolin and quercetin are important in the oxidation of LDL.

The antioxidants are important in preventing several diseases like atherosclerosis. They have also been shown to be very effective in scavenging radicals , thereby having anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, the vitamin E present in pepper enhances its antioxidant properties.  It is considered as the first defensive line in fighting radicals on cell membranes. Vitamin E is important in preventing the production of new, harmful radicals as well as he neutralisation of the existing ones.

12. Eradicates iron deficiency and promotes bioavailability

Various studies have also proven that the deficiency of vitamin C is one of the major causes of iron deficiency anemia. As a result, an increase in the intake of vitamin C by regular consumption of pepper can help eradicate iron deficiency in the body.

Studies have also proven that vitamin C consumption increases the bioavailability of iron from the diet and therefore increases its absorption. This increases the levels of iron in the body immensely.

Bell pepper contain folic acid which also helps in preventing iron deficiency in pregnant women.

14. Improves immunity

Vitamin C, which is found in high concentration is pepper, contributes a lot in boosting the body's immunity. It activates the immune cells among other roles it plays. Vitamin C also boosts the immune system by promoting the production of proinflammatory cytokines which are important in carrying out effective immune responses.

Also, eating bell peppers which are rich in vitamin E, can also help you boost your immunity. Just like vitamin C, research has shown that vitamin E also activates the immune response of the body and also enhances the performance of white blood cells, which is an important component of the human immune system.  Studies have also proved that the intake of vitamin E from dietary sources, improves the body's antibody response to several different vaccines. Vitamin E also strengthens the ability of elderly people to resist viral infections.

14. Prevents birth defects in unborn children

Peppers are highly rich in folate, therefore it helps prevent the birth of underweight babies. Studies have shown that an increase in folic acid intake during pregnancy, benefits the mother by reducing the risk of giving birth to an underweight baby.

Even though folate is important for everyone, it is highly essential for women as it n involved in the development of the growth of unborn children.  Other research have shown that high intake of folate before and after conception can hep in preventing miscarriages.

Folate consumption during prenatal stages has also been linked with reduce risk of autism in children and also reduced risk of language delay in children. Other studies also discovered a strong correlation between folic acid intake during pregnancy and austere emotional problems in the child delivered.

15. Improves cognitive function

Piperine found in black pepper has been associated by many studies to contribute in the reduction of memory damage and cognitive malfunction.

Early research also proves the possibility of pepper to benefit Alzheimer's patients and also those suffering from dementia and other age-linked or free radical-linked cognitive problems, since the chemical pathways are stimulated by this organic compound (Piperine).
These are some of the health benefits of pepper that you might know, but they have all been proven by science and various research, You can use the share buttons below to pass this information to your families and friends.


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